<![CDATA[MY PSYCHIC SEARCH - Blog]]>Fri, 03 May 2024 05:33:39 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Attitudes for Living]]>Thu, 02 May 2024 19:41:05 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/attitudes-for-livingPicture
Today, I am sharing five quotes from psychics regarding the importance of our attitude towards life. We continually receive messages that life is an adventure. It’s something to enjoy. Any path we take, is the right path for us. It’s all very reassuring. Here we go:

1) “On the greater scope, all paths lead to a higher knowing and a higher awareness. In your personal lives, not only is looking for the highest and best your answer, but also showing up every day from your highest and best so that your energy radiates to such a degree that it doesn’t matter what is, or is not, around you. Energy is transmuted and raised because of your presence, your loving energy, your being-ness. That is who and what you are, and what you bring to every situation. It is not what you do, it is who you are from your highest self.”

2) “Be grateful for this life, this opportunity to be here. It is a grand adventure, one that you should look at, smile, and say, “Yeah, what a ride.” Keep on keeping on. There are greater things to see over the next hill. Across the ocean. Everywhere you look, there is something new to see, something new to do. Look forward with enthusiasm. Attract to you whatever it is you wish to see or do. Play with it. Have fun with it. Make that the name of your game. A game, yes, a game of play. A game of joy. A game of life. You make it what you wish.

“Go forth, roll with the flow, the ups and downs. Those are just the waves in the ocean. It’s natural. They come and go. If they were flat all the time, it would get boring. Look for the wave to stir you up, to surf upon, to see how well you can ride that wave. A big smile on your face. See what good you can bring from it. Something good can come out of every situation.”

3) “Keep your thoughts focused on your goals. On the positive. With determination to get there. You won’t let anything step in your way. You will get it done, whatever it is you wish to do. You will get there. What is it you wish to manifest? Divinely perfected bodies? Of course. Grand adventures? Of course. Toys to play with? Why not? The more the merrier.

“Share this love, this joy. Set the tone of joy and laughter. Allow that to revolve into your world, helping to raise not only your vibration, but that of everyone around you. What a blessing that is to give. That is your gift to give. That brings great joy to your heart. Allows more to flow in and flow out. You are in the flow.”

4) “Some of you feel that you have literally been on a roller coaster of life. You have had your ups, you have had your downs. Some have been too high and some have been too low. Know that you would not have missed it for anything. The road has a way of balancing out. What goes up, must come down, and it is all okay. It is the ride of life. Yes, it is true that there is a balancing. For those who were not so nurtured, you will have your nurturing. For those of you who have had plenty of nurturing, you will be in the position to nurture others. That is the flow. That is the gift. That is the blessing. Now, what it is that you wish to share and leave as a legacy to others?

5) “Your path is your path and it is perfect no matter what turn or branch you take.”

Enjoy your day.


<![CDATA[Loving Everyone]]>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 18:40:16 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/loving-everyonePicture
In life, there are people we love, people we like, people we don’t like and, sometimes, people we despise. Rumor is, we are supposed to love everyone. Even the people who are doing evil in the world? Yes.  

How? Why?

My spiritual friends and I bandied this topic about a few weeks ago. We wondered how we could love “bad” people. We wondered why we should love the people who infuriate us.

We know that we come into this life with a list of things we want to experience. On The Other Side, it seems like a good idea to experience love, hate, adventure, boredom, challenges, etc. Could we do all of this if life was only the good stuff? People treating each other kindly and with respect? Probably not. We need antagonists and conflict to find out if we can stand up for ourselves. We need challenges to see if can surmount them.  
The trick to loving everyone is to look at things from a higher perspective. We can imagine that we are all actors in a stage play on Earth. Everyone chooses a different part in the play so that there is a full drama. Without villains and opponents, it would be a pretty lackluster story.

We have to realize that individual souls are not the same as the characters they choose to play on Earth. They are like actors who create a character for certain experiences. The individual we are loving is the soul/actor, not the character they are playing on stage.

Everybody picks a different role, depending upon the drama they want to experience. It doesn't make them a bad person. The actor is not the role they are playing.

In any story, you love the hero and you hate the villain, and you realize that these are roles played by actors.

Think of the people you don’t like. Think of your competitors. Think of the nasty things they have said. Does your blood boil?

On Earth, when we are in the thick of the drama, it can be difficult to remember that we are souls who are visiting Earth for a lifetime of experience. If we can pull ourselves back and take a higher perspective, we can allow the idea of “loving everyone no matter what they are doing” to enter our consciousness.

Also keep in mind that just because we know we are supposed to love someone, doesn’t mean we have to like them. Loving people and liking people are two separate issues. You can love the core of someone without liking what they do.

We are all connected through energy and, somehow, our adversaries are a part of us. When we hate them, we hurt ourselves. Instead, we can think of them as teachers who help us learn lessons.

Personally, I try not to hate anyone. Instead, I wish them enlightenment. I wish they would have an experience that helps them understand that it’s okay to be kind to people. I don't wish anyone harm, but that doesn’t mean I want to love them.

One of our group members commented that it was not a matter not liking, or disliking, someone. It was realizing that you can love the core of who they are, regardless of what they are doing. You don't have to like them, or participate in their drama, but having ill feelings towards their core being ties you to them through emotion.

I understand this philosophically. I can see the higher perspective. I’ve got it. I also know that when somebody is a pain in the butt or when I am faced with evil, it can be tough to keep this in mind. So, there’s the challenge: remembering to love the soul without being distracted by the role they are playing in your life.

Onward and upward.


P.S. A big thank you to my group of friends who explored this topic. Wonderful insights.

<![CDATA[Angels]]>Thu, 04 Apr 2024 20:47:55 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/angelsPicture
Angels are a part of our lives, whether we realize it or not. Some people can see angels and speak with them. Other people are only aware of angels when they need them.

Angels are mainly messengers from the Divine who whisper in our ears. However, they can take on other roles when necessary.

Angels are a different vibration than human beings. They are souls which have never incarnated on Earth. They vibrate at higher frequency than humans. We can think of them as having “graduated” from one level to another. Still a soul. No body. Very powerful.

What do they look like? In their natural state, angels look like balls of light. If we need something more, if we need to realize we are talking with angels, they can transform to look like something from a story book: tall, in white robes, with golden wings or, like Cupid, short, round and babyish.  

When we need them in physical form, they can take on the appearance of a human being. In these situations, we often think we are talking to a person who has come to assist us. We are actually talking to an angel. Stories abound of people who were in car accidents and someone came to rescue them, or to hold their hand until the EMTs arrived. Then, those people disappeared and no one else remembered seeing them. These are angels in human form which assist us in emergencies.

Sometimes, angels will take on a body as an instrument to deliver a message. They will give the information, then disappear into the crowd.

Angelic energy can also manifest in a different way. Sometimes, when we help someone, we do more good than we know. We are empowered by an angelic energy which mixes with our human energy and allows us to give a boost to the person or animal we are working with. Have you ever had that feeling that you were helping to heal someone using more than your own energy? Or that you were talking to someone and said just the right thing? Angel energy could be coming into your body. If you suspect that you helped someone in a way that seemed uncanny, supernatural, amazing, or remarkable, an angel may have used your body (with your permission) to help another person. In this case you are, at least for a moment, an angel.

When you feel that Spirit is speaking through you, that you are a vessel of Spirit, you may be in tune with angelic energy. Maybe it’s an angel, maybe it’s a Guide, maybe it’s a direct line to Spirit.  

In November 2018, Mark Janssen wrote about angels. He said:

“Real angels have no form. They may choose to appear in human form and even with wings. In reality, they are balls of energy. Angels can be gold, silver, white, blue and a whole host of other colors. They can be smaller than a grain of sand or as large as a basketball. They move faster than the eye can see. They will appear in one place, disappear, and reappear far away.

“Angels are with us when we ask for them, when we say their names and tell them we need them. Angels are with us when we forget they exist, when we forget we have a Creator. They are with us in times of joy and dancing, as well as times of evil and despair.”

It’s fascinating to think of all the ways that angels may be a part of our lives without us really thinking about them.

How about you? Have you had an angelic encounter?


<![CDATA[What do Psychics Tap into?]]>Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:37:38 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/what-do-psychics-tap-intoPicture
Along the way, I have interviewed many psychics and I have asked them about the source of the information they are receiving. What, or who, are they communicating with? Most of the psychics have an idea of what/who they are communicating with, but several of them just accept the information without knowing the source. Over time, the information has proven to be accurate.

Here are some details:

Nineteen psychics told me that they access information from one or more of these sources:

    Spirit Guides (their Guides and/or the client’s Guides)
    The Creator by any name (most of the people I interviewed agreed that there was
       a higher power facilitating their connection, by whatever name it was called:  
       G-d force energy, Buddha, Universal Energy, Universal Intelligence, etc.)  
    The souls of people and animals who have crossed to The Other Side
    The Higher Realms (Guides, angels, G-d by any name)
    Their Higher Self and/or the client’s Higher Self (the part of us which survives death)
    A group which seemed like a spiritual family
    A collective unconsciousness
    A cosmic library of images and information
    Akashic Records
    A personal consciousness
    A global consciousness
    Ascended Masters such as Mother Mary, Kwan Yin (the Goddess of Compassion; similar
       to Mother Mary), Buddha, Christ and Djwal Khul
    The Emissaries of Light
    The VOICE (a facet of the Divine)
    The Quantum field
    Nature’s Intelligence
    Devas of the Plants (Devas are flower angels and there is a Deva for each type of plant)

Two psychics didn’t know what they tapped into, but have learned to trust the quality of the information they received.    

The information source is closely linked to the psychic’s area of expertise.

For a general reading with a client, psychics are most likely to access Spirit Guides, the client’s Higher Self, angels, or some kind of Universal Energy. If they are communicating with someone who is on The Other Side, they will locate that person’s soul. If they are speaking with an animal, they will access that animal’s spirit (living or deceased).

On the other hand, someone who works with flower essences may communicate with the Devas of the plants. One gentleman who carves masks accesses a cosmic library of images. The woman who works with light energy communicates with the Emissaries of Light.

One woman who channels information calls them “The Guys.”

Here are some quotes from psychics which provide additional insight:

☼  I connect with Spirit Guides and with people’s Higher Selves (souls).  I talk to people who have passed (the part of them that lives on after death).

☼  I think I am attuned to my Higher Self and my Higher Self knows what I need to do and that gets me connected. When I am connected to my own spirit, I can help others.

☼  A great deal of what you are connecting with is your Higher Self. It is your connection to the energy of the Universe. Part of that comes from training in hypnotherapy: you realize that you have to get into the subconscious. The subconscious is there to protect you and when you get to the other side of it, you learn things. When you can get past your own walls and get to that place of freedom where all information is stored, there is a connection to spirit.

☼  I communicate with a group. My understanding is that there are seven groups and we all come from one of these groups. It’s like a family group. There are groups of healers, teachers, adventurers, musicians, etc. We all have those abilities, but the groups we come from influence our abilities.

☼ I call it the Higher Spirits. I am afraid to call it G-d  because I am afraid to say that I am speaking for G-d, but I think that it is the energy of G-d.  

☼  When you give the entities who are providing information a name or a label of any sort you are narrowing down the information and the opportunity to get information. If you only call on Archangel Michael, then that’s all you are going to get. I take whoever is out there and wants to give information.

☼  I connect with the Higher Realms. I connect into the higher frequencies and that is where I do my work. I go into a certain “space” where I connect with clients energetically in the Higher Realms on the higher frequencies (energy vibrating at a faster pace). I connect to the client’s Higher Self. My Higher Self works with their Higher Self then it comes down into physical reality.

☼ For me, the highest level of information comes from the Holy Spirit. If I get information without the client being there, it is most likely that I am getting Divine Will. This level of energy provides answers regarding life path and other big decisions.

How about you? Do you know what/who you are working with?


<![CDATA[Experiencing “The Other Side”]]>Thu, 14 Mar 2024 18:26:39 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/experiencing-the-other-sidePicture
Our friend, Gene, crossed to The Other Side in September. He left his body on Earth while his soul moved on. He was a spiritual man and he was part of our channeling group.

After he crossed, his wife heard directly from him. The rest of us had to wait.

One evening, he came through during a meeting of our group and we had the opportunity to ask, “What is it like on The Other Side?” Gene answered, “It is better than you thought. It is calm and peaceful.”

His wife asked what he was feeling at the moment and he answered, “I feel gratitude because the channeler is allowing this when she doesn't believe it, totally. She's on the verge of crying because it's an honor. I understand that.

“That is what I'm feeling at this moment. And of course, you, my dear darling.”

I chimed in, “What it is it like over there?”

Gene answered, “There is no darkness unless you wish to sleep and you say, ‘I wish it was dark so I could sleep.’

“It is as if you command the heavens and they move to deliver what you want. Only they're not delivering it, you are manufacturing it. You are creating it. You are in charge of it.

“Many struggle to communicate with their family who are on the Earth because the people cannot hear them. Sometimes, they scream into somebody's ear, like, ‘Patrick, Patrick, Patrick!’ until the person finally feels that their [deceased] person is with them again.

“It is interesting and it is profoundly beautiful. The experience that you've had feeling love is how it feels every moment of every day. Only, there is no night.

“It is lovely. Lovely. Lovely.

“You learn how not to have a body. It is much freer. It is like sloughing off a winter coat in the dead of summer and being able to fly.”

Someone asked, “Do you have any sort of form?”

The reply, “If I wish it. And I wish it because I am still recovering from this life. Sometimes I sit in my recliner.”

“You can imagine whatever you wish and you receive it.

“You can listen to others. You can attend classes if you wish.”

Gene was asked if he had connected with friends who had crossed over.

He responded, “My brother met me and we sat around in big, thick leather chairs like you would imagine we would use. We had a great conversation.

“The interesting thing is when you go to hug someone, it's like your souls meld together. As if two lights come together. We did that, my brother and I.

“That was nice.”

Gene added, “When you leave this Earth and you move into spirit, the longer you're in spirit, the farther away you are from this incarnation. Some reincarnate within a fortnight. It's very, very quick. Some linger here for many years. Some never reincarnate. Others have never incarnated on Earth. They are here, also.”  

Gene went on to tell his wife how much he misses her and that he will always be with her.

It was very reassuring to hear from someone across the Veil and to learn that heaven is even better than we had imagined.


<![CDATA[Celebrating the Pause]]>Thu, 07 Mar 2024 18:28:39 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/celebrating-the-pausePicture
We go through ups and downs in our lives. Sometimes, we are working at full speed – day jobs, painting, writing, volunteering, parenting, throwing parties, etc. Sometimes, we can’t seem to get off the couch. We aren’t creating anything. When we aren’t productive, are we still useful? Of course we are!

Even when we aren’t developing anything tangible, we can lay in bed and send good vibes to each other. We can love our pets and plants. We can love music and art. Love is an energy and when we love anything, we raise ourselves to a love vibration.

We can imagine our future, thinking about the things we would like to do when we are up and running again. We can begin a manifestation process by focusing on what we would like our lives to look like.  

We can be instruments of peace, finding a serene spot in our consciousness, then spreading that feeling out to the world.  

Here are two examples of the productivity of doing nothing which came through during a recent channeling:

1) Spirit suggested that we think of a busy road without a dividing line in the middle. There would be chaos. The line doesn’t stop and say, “What do I do here all day? I'm just laying here. I'm not doing anything.” The line is marking a space to keep others safe in their lanes. It’s not controlling or demanding anything, but it saves lives.

2) Think of the all the writing we do: notes, texts, essays and books. If all the words ran together without spaces between them, the sentences would take a while to decipher. Those sacred spaces, those pauses, help us to understand conversations and messages. Similarly, people hold space in the conversations of life. Sometimes, we need a pause.

The message continued, "When you are observing your life, do not judge it for a pregnant pause or a down time. It would be like the period at the end of a sentence saying, 'What good am I?' Its presence is useful. So are you."

“You are here because you are representatives of the divine. Nothing less. Remember who and what you are.”

“Enjoy the chapters that are quiet as much as you enjoy the chapters that are lively. They are merely chapters and there will be many more. Whether or not your vessel goes with you doesn't matter. What matters is that your soul will continue on, limitless.”

Remember that quiet times are often followed by productive periods. Just because we lay low for a little while doesn’t mean that we won’t bounce back to activity. These quiet times often provide the re-grouping moments we need to power ourselves forward.


<![CDATA[What is "Channeling"?]]>Thu, 22 Feb 2024 20:44:00 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/what-is-channelingPicture
I often write about information which comes through during channeling sessions. One of my blog readers asked a basic question: What is channeling? I’m answering that question today.

“Channeling” means that a person goes into a meditative state, has information come to them, then shares that information with an audience.

A person who communicates with non-physical entities is known as a Channeler. These people may talk to non-physical individuals or to spiritual groups. The entities and groups are clearly distinct from the individual who is channeling them. Some people use the term “channeling” whenever they talk to a Spirit Guide or a person who has died and crossed to The Other Side.

What’s the difference between a psychic reading and a channeling?

A psychic reading is usually a one-on-one experience. A client will ask questions and a reader will tap into a universal source of information to answer those questions. Personal information comes through.

A channeling is usually done with a group. The information which comes through addresses universal situations, such as life after death, reincarnation, or world affairs.

How does channeling work?

There are two basic kinds of channeling: conscious channeling and trance channeling.

During "Conscious Channeling," the channeler may go into a meditative state, hear a set of words, receive a block of thought, or see an image. They will say aloud any words they hear, and find the words to describe the block of thought and/or the images. Long messages may come through. The channeler is fully aware of what is going on.

Sometimes, conscious channeling sounds like a conversation. There is a back-and-forth exchange between the channeler and the people in the audience.

The other kind of channeling is called “Trance Channeling.” This is when spiritual entities are allowed to enter a person’s body and the person in that body steps aside and listens to the information. The non-physical individual or group talks through the person’s voice and sees through the person’s eyes.

Can channelers ignore a message?

People who channel have told me that they have to say what they see or hear before they can receive additional information. They can’t ignore a message. One person said she sees a film in her head. Until she describes the scene, she can’t move on to the next scene.

How do you know that people are channeling information from a non-physical source and not just making it up?

Channeled information comes quickly and in nearly-full sentences. A normal conversation has “umms,” and incomplete thoughts. Channeling is usually quick (but not always. It depends on the channeler). It is especially fast when the channeler is repeating words they hear or the entity/group is speaking directly through them. It can be much slower when someone is trying to describe a picture they see in their mind.

The ideas and images are other-worldly, like stories from souls who are traveling from galaxy to galaxy exploring the universe. Remember the blog post about the guy from Stonehenge? No one could make up that story, on the spot, so quickly.

Is it real? This comes down to “You’ll know it when you see it.” I can describe readings and channelings to people, but some things just have to be experienced.

Recent Message

Channeled information is universal in nature. For example, at a recent session, we heard this uplifting message about the benefits of decluttering our minds:

“Remove your limiting thoughts and limiting beliefs. Remove anything that does not serve you any longer. As you evolve, new wisdom, new information, new scenes of thought are planted in fertile ground. Each time you reinforce this, each time you meet with like-minded people, each time you err on the side of kindness, you expand the greater good for all. You are the fertilizer that helps civilizations to grow, bloom, and blossom.

“For as one drop of water at a time forms the ocean, so do individual energies come together to form the collective, raising the vibration, one-by-one.

“New seeds of thoughts and new understandings are coming through. That knowingness allows you to clear your mind with enthusiasm, knowing that more understanding is coming your way.

“You can raise your vibrational energy to be such bright lights, such light houses, that not only are you able to see greater distances than you ever dreamed, but you are also illuminating the path for those who walk beside you, behind you, or are in future generations who will follow the light that you have shown so brightly.”

Yes, a universal message to each of us: when we work on ourselves, our work benefits everyone.


What else do you want to know? Let me know if you have questions.


<![CDATA[A Meditation to Stonehenge]]>Thu, 08 Feb 2024 18:58:12 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/a-meditation-to-stonehengePicture
This is a funny story from a group meditation several months ago. In our meditation, we traveled, met an old, old, old guy who sounded like Yosemite Sam, learned a bit about ancient archaeology, and received blessings.

The meditation leader helped us to relax, then had us imagine traveling on a cloud to Europe. Our cloud lowered us down, very slowly, until we were standing outside the circle of Stonehenge.

A crowd of people had gathered. As we moved into this crowd, they made way for us. We found benches and sat down. We were surrounded by friends and relatives who had passed over.

The first thing we did was communicate with our Spirit Guides, teachers, and friends.

The second part of our visit included a message which was channeled to us.

The third part was a surprise: an old, old guy came to talk to us. He told us he had been plowing the land at Stonehenge for 7800 years. Really? Keep your imagination open.

With a strong western twang, this ornery guy began:

“You thought that just because Stonehenge is here, you had the right to come here. But I've been here for a thousand years and I plowed this land and I find it very disruptive to have all you people here in Stonehenge with me. I understand why you're here and I can allow you to come here again, but be aware that just because there's a big monument here doesn't mean it belongs to you.

“You understand that? All right, so what are we going to do with all these people here?

“Well, there is a lady over there whose husband is missing her touch. There's some people dancing over there.

"Each of you have somebody here, waiting for you. Think of that person in your life. Perhaps they are in spirit, like your grandmother, your great-grandmother, your grandfather, or your sister, brother, or mother. Sit down for a minute and allow them to come. Do not think that you are imagining what they're telling you. Just listen to the voice in your head and know that it is there for you. It was manufactured for you. It was given to you, talking to you, even though you think you're making it up. Isn't that a wonderful thing? That's how close you are to spirit.

“Next time you want to go to an ancient place, pick somewhere else. I gotta drag this wagon across the field and put manure down and you people are in my way.”

I asked, “How long have you been here?”

He answered, “Let me look back . . . 7800 years. That's a long time to be here. But you know what? People come here and I help them out. I may not be in the best mood now, but this is a very trying time on Earth and your energies are very . . . hmmm . . . like shards of glass.
“Take me back to about 1400. People were gentler and slower back then. They had prettier clothes, too. Take me back even farther than that and there were wars and all kinds of things. Before they brought the stones here, this was a place where energy was moved around to heal people and heal the earth. It was made out of logs, before people cut all the trees down on these islands.”

Someone asked, “Who brought the stones?”

He answered:

“I'm going to tell you something that you may not believe. On the Earth, 7800 years ago, there was more than one species of human being. They gathered together and they moved the stones.

“There were some large human beings. You would call them giants. They weren't particularly nice or particularly smarter than somebody with a small brain, like a hedgehog. But, we all worked together and we created this place so that it aligned astronomically. We needed to record the movement of the stars to tell the people when there was going to be a cosmic, disastrous event. That is the function of all these astronomically-associated constructions around the world.

“That is a bigger discussion which we will not go into tonight. You are supposed to be meditating and talking to your ancestors and friends who passed into spirit. Obviously, I'm  here, entertaining you, because I'm bored. I have to wait until everybody leaves, so I can get busy again.”

After a bit more discussion, he blessed us and tried to get back to his work.

He had been irritated that we were in the area. However, he also felt sorry for us. Why? Because, as humans, we couldn’t see or hear all the things he could, and we couldn’t get messages on our own.

Who was this guy? A ghost? A spirit from The Other Side who was still tied to this land? A figment of someone’s imagination? I don’t know, but I sure did enjoy his story.

Let me know what you think.


<![CDATA[Communicating with Loved Ones on The Other Side]]>Thu, 25 Jan 2024 20:10:11 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/communicating-with-loved-ones-on-the-other-sidePicture
I just read an announcement that Theresa Caputo is returning to TV. Originally, her show was called, “Long Island Medium.” The new version will be called, “Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits.” It debuts tonight on the Lifetime Channel. Theresa can communicate with loved ones who have passed into spirit.

Over the years, I’ve learned a few things about communicating with those on The Other Side.

1) When working with a Medium, the best communication requires a love connection. It is the love between people that can reach across the Veil and allow messages to come through. In fact, you will often see the Medium have a blissful face as he/she feels the love coming through.  

2) When there isn’t a love bond, communication through a Medium is still possible, but it might not be clear; it might be halting. Without a love bond, Mediums can’t always find the person on The Other Side. That person might not want to be found.

3) One Medium told me that no one ever comes in angry. Souls on the other side don’t express regret, but sometimes they apologize for their actions. They know they needed to do whatever they had done, but they are sorry for how it may have affected other people.

4) It can take a bit of time before someone on The Other Side is ready to communicate. Sometimes, they need to go through a period of healing and self-reflection before becoming available for communication.

Eventually, they revert to the person who they used to be – if they were ill and suffering, that condition disappears. If they had dementia in life, they become “clear” on The Other Side. You will be able to communicate with the fun person who you used to know, not the person who was ill.

On the other hand, souls who were enlightened and understood what it meant to cross to The Other Side, might be roaring to come through shortly after death.

5) It can be a good idea for someone who recently lost a loved one to wait for a while before contacting a Medium. It’s important to move through the grieving process before reaching out.

6) Mediums have told me that our friends never leave us. We can talk to them. They can hear us. They can communicate with us in their own way. Something might happen to remind us of someone. “Oh, that was odd.” That’s how they let us know they are still watching over us.

7) You can communicate with those on The Other Side all by yourself. You don’t need a Medium. Loved ones come in dreams and meditations. They are in our thoughts. In your mind, you might hear them comment on something you are doing, and their comment might surprise you or make you laugh.

8) Yes, psychic Mediums can also connect with our animals who have passed to The Other Side. These communications are magical reconnections.

If you would like some tips for getting a good reading, check out the “What do Psychics Do?” page of this website. Be sure to scroll down the page.


<![CDATA[Revenge Reincarnation]]>Thu, 18 Jan 2024 19:28:00 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/revenge-reincarnationPicture
What can we do about the war in Israel? Why can’t people live in peace in the Middle East? I had the opportunity to ask these questions at a channeling session and I received a couple of answers which I did not expect. Here they are:

What can we do about the war in Israel, with Hamas?

Spirit said:

“Send love. Send love. Send love. Many will not be receptive to the love. That is their choice. Send it anyway.

“There are those who ache and hurt, with no one to assist them. Fill them with your divine love and know that those prayers that you utter and send, truly make a difference.

“Your mission is to send peace and love.”

“There are legions of light workers on Mother Earth. It is because of the unity of their prayers that the world is not in a worse state. Do not minimize the impact of your energy.

“Those of you that think you don't make a difference, have you ever been alone with one lone mosquito? It makes a difference.”

Why can’t people live together in peace in the Middle East?

Spirit said:

“There will always be bloodshed in that area. Always has been, always will be. What you need to know is that people reincarnate, lifetime after lifetime, to avenge supposed slights. People  come back to avenge their loved ones, their ancestors. Those people have not taken the time to heal the aches in their souls.

“Not right or wrong. People are acting on emotions from past lifetimes. They have shed blood after blood after blood.

“The Middle East isn't going to find peace. They aren’t going to find peace in Israel or Gaza. Too many people reincarnate in that area to seek revenge.

“The bloodshed is not worth it.”

“Shower love and light into their beingness to heal them, so that they may bring healing to that area.”

“One ray of light at a time forms a beam of light. So you cannot, as a whole, as a universe, deny what is happening. Shine your light upon it for all to see.”

Then, Spirit provided a different kind of example:

“France has its own issues. The French are teased for being lovers, not fighters. There is something to be said for that. By not having tremendous bloodshed in their area, the people don't have the generational need for revenge, payback, and all the things that  happen when whole societies are faced with a tragedy that they believe someone imposed upon them.”

“Bloodshed can incur generational impacts. People don’t need to go in that direction.”

“The best way to heal the past is for someone to have love and peace within themselves, so that their ancestors can also have love and peace.”

Spirit added:

“Many people are losing their lives to protest what is happening. They are shining the light on it. Their blood is not shed in vain. Their blood has a whole different purpose. It isn't avenging, and it isn't revenging; it is shedding light. If you lose your life in the process of shedding light in the name of the living, how much more peaceful for you and for your ancestors?”


I hope you found these insights worth reading. I was surprised when we heard about the situation with so much clarity. Like it or not, it makes sense.

